Llama 12284 Old World Christmas Ornament Assorted
Llama Christmas Ornament
12284 Old World Christmas
Priced individually, choose color
Introduced 2011
Free gift box (may be plain box)
Made of mouth blown, hand painted glass. Measures approximately 3 3/4" Two assorted styles, both shown in photo, priced individually. Choose color. (Light creamy color and darker tan color)
Llamas are used as pack animals in many areas of the world. Sociable, curious and gentle, they are easy to handle and friendly to humans. Since Llama hair is luxurious, warm, non-greasy and light-weight, it is prized by knitters and weavers.
According to Wikipedia: Llamas which are well-socialized and trained to halter and lead after weaning are very friendly and pleasant to be around. They are extremely curious and most will approach people easily.